Albertans can now see information about worksite injuries and fatalities involving more than 140,000 employers insured by the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB). Government of Alberta, September 30, 2010
The Alberta Government has recently posted information about Alberta employers including Lost Time Injuries, Lost Time Claims Rate, Fatalities, and whether companies have a COR/SECOR.
It is interesting to review but in my opinion it does not truly reflect the company Safety program. These statistics are easily misleading based on the following:
- The company charged in the lost time injury may not be the direct employer.
- Reporting of injuries may be driven underground due to increases in rates (cost) and Safety Management databases (like ISNetworld®, ComplyWorks, CanQual) grading you based on Statistics.
- Not all companies are listed making comparisons difficult.
A glass door on this type of information is the best start in showing employers how important a Safe Workplace is to potential employees and Clients; it will also serve as a license for disgruntled worker to disclaim other previously private reported information.
Go to the Government of Alberta website and look up your current employer, past employers, and your competition, but keep in mind the limitations to this type of published information.