Statistics are a valuable tool to see what has happened in the past. They are often classed as to type of incident (ie medical, vehicle, near miss, etc). The second step is to use the surface and root causes identified in the Investigation to create a plan to reduce common incidents. Surface causes often address a combination of items including lack of training, unsafe conditions, and unsafe behaviours. Root causes address known surface causes that have not been dealt with and safety system failures (design and implementation).
Statistics and incident reports from at least the last 3-5 years should be used so that trends can be identified. Incident trends should be reviewed at corporate safety meetings.
The causes of all incidents should be addressed. Items that may be identified include (as an example):
- Slips and trips may be common due to lack of policy or enforcement of a housekeeping policy.
- Speed is a factor in many vehicle incidents. Workers may drive less than posted but too fast for conditions.
Work procedures are not being followed. Short cuts are being used.