The Post Pandemic Worksite: Connected, Educated, Tech-Enabled
Worksites have changed due to a pandemic that has gripped the world, but work still needs to get done. Whether your place of work is your new home office, a restaurant or retail location, or an industrial worksite, we have all seen a significant shift in the daily routine. What has the past year taught us? How are we going to come out of this with improved ways to stay safe and healthy at work?Low Potential for Remote Work on Industrial Worksites
A report was recently conducted by McKinsey & Company. The report shows that after an analysis of 2,000 tasks, 800 jobs, and nine countries it is clear that industries such as mining, manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, construction and agriculture have a low potential for remote work. The ability to work remotely in these industries has the following dependencies:- Specialized equipment
- High collaboration with others
- Physical presence on-site to conduct work
- Tasks done while out and about (delivery services)
Covid-19 Resilience
The COVID-19 Pandemic has resulted in many stresses (mentally, financially, relationships, etc.). Speaking positively, however, it has also shown us how resilient and resourceful humans can be. Improvement amongst all businesses practices is required to stay profitable and remain productive during the Pandemic, and organizational leaders needed to think outside of the normal office and worksite box. The result has been an increase in:- Reducing Potential Transmissions
- staying home when you are sick,
- mask and glove wearing,
- office and worksite cleanliness,
- Telecommuting,
- online meetings and learning,
- Contactless methods to deal with coworkers and the public,
- Rural internet capabilities
Tech and the Pandemic
Looking at the impact from another angle, consider the growth and infiltration of technology in workplace education. Tech has stepped in to facilitate additional online courses and software to offer courses virtually (Zoom, Skype, Ring Central, Amazon Chime, Microsoft Teams, etc.). Cost savings and environmental benefits were also discovered with these new or improved technologies, including:
- Improved time management
- Less driving to course locations
- Less physical office space required for students, etc.