The Government of Alberta through the office of Traffic Safety, Alberta Transportation and the Traffic Safety Plan Communications Committee have assessed driving topics that may prevent injury and fatalities on our roads. The topic for November is Pedestrian Safety. The following is from Saferoads ( website:
Both drivers and pedestrians are responsible for safety. Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks, but pedestrians also have the responsibility to cross safely. From 2005 to 2009, on average each year in Alberta, more than 40 pedestrians were killed and over 1250 were injured.
Facts to Know
- Don’t assume drivers see you and will stop. Always be cautious and watch for vehicles that are not stopping.
- Be visible. More pedestrian collisions occur during months of low light conditions. Wear reflective clothing and carry a flashlight!
- Pay attention! Remove headphones; put away cell phones or other electronic devices when crossing the street.
- Walk on the sidewalk. If there is no sidewalk, walk off the road, facing traffic, staying as far away from the vehicles as possible.
- Pedestrian injuries are the third leading cause of injury-related death for children under 14 years of age.
- Alcohol is often a factor in serious pedestrian collisions. On average over one-third of pedestrians in fatal crashes and 15 per cent in injury crashes had consumed alcohol prior to the collision.