Safety compliance with COR/SECOR, training and the safety registries remains an important piece of your business model in times of economic uncertainty.
With the recent NDP win in the province of Alberta, the entire nation watched as a shift in political power moved to the left in Alberta for the first time in over 40 years. The effects, positive or negative, for this political shift have yet to be seen and the North American economic engine is watching very closely. There is no question that we have entered uncertain waters for the time-being.
Intelligent companies take this opportunity to beef-up the essential components of their organization in order to ready themselves for the road ahead. In other words and to quote some famous sayings, “The Early Bird Gets the Worm”, “Opportunity doesn’t make appointments, you have to be ready when it arrives”, and so forth. For contractors in the energy, transportation, forestry, mining, manufacturing, and construction sectors, it is apparent that jobs with upstream companies may not be plentiful, but whether Alberta economy indicators improve, maintain themselves, or fall, it is the companies that are prepared for success that will win the work.
Therefore, work does need to be done, and the safety compliance requirements to secure new work contracts have not changed. What are you doing in 2015 to ensure that your organization passes safety compliance with flying colours and secures work in the days, weeks and months ahead?
Here’s what any smart organization is doing now to address safety compliance in 2015:
- COR/SECOR Manuals
Your Safety Manual is oblivious to economic conditions. The fact of the matter is that you either have an industry-appropriate safety manual that is up-to-standard, or you do not. Those that do are positioned well to win the contracts up for grabs in the marketplace. - Internal Assessment & Review
Safety inspections are a common occurrence on the job site. Conducting on-site safety assessments and reviews with your workers is key to ensuring a safe workplace, ensuring that your site remains operational if a safety inspector makes an unforeseen visit. - Safety Training
Training new workers and refreshing experienced ones is a key safety strategy for any successful business. Loss work time due to a safety issue becomes a larger problem in a downturn economy. - Registry Compliance
New governments love to introduce their own Occupational Health & Safety regulations, or revise existing ones. Smart companies are ensuring that their registry compliance is updated and scoring well, so that when that next contract is on the line, they are prepared to win.
A sound safety strategy remains one of the most important components to your business strategy. This fact remains so in the uncertain times we are facing. Workforce Compliance Safety is a Canadian leader in safety compliance, with a proven record helping contractors achieve and maintain compliance. We are here so you can take the next step forward.